Hurrah! Hurrah!

Hello again,

I am confining myself within the four walls of my house now that most errands are completed. I am still sick, and I thank you if you've been praying for my recovery (or did you NOT?!). Haha. I suppose I overexhausted myself from mugging for the A's and from all that prom-shopping. I'm down with flu. Thank God for Piriton, my snot is getting more goo-ey, with high viscosity and low water content. Haha. Some of the snot is getting to my throat, which is not sore and swollen anymore, so I'm expecting a cough to come up in the next few days.

Nonetheless, my spirits are not dampened. I finally bought a dress and shoes for prom. Thank God it's the upcoming Yuletide that we get discounted rates. Also, we finally got a room at Marina, which was supposed to be fully booked on December 5. How miraculous! Thanks to JT too.

Ahh, what a nice and lovely day.

I am going to tone my body, get a slight tan, guzzle loads of water, and sleep like a pig within the
next 7 days, even till before I return to my alma mater to teach. Just a slight update. I'm bored, but I HAVE to sleep to get well. So off I go.

Oh, and Caleb gave a wonderful analysis on the lamp metaphor in the Bible. I'll post it up too after I get his permission. As Kenneth would say: AWW YEAH, NICE.




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