scum of the earth

The woman who dropped by for a waffle with avocado ice cream talking to herself nonstop...the tired mom and her Down-syndrome son dead asleep on bus 75 at 10.30pm with their bags full of cans and bottles.

The short guy who was shoeless in KL Sentral. He had a club foot and possibly Down syndrome too. I can't help but wonder...were those men making fun of him? They actually bent over from shrieking in laughter at 8am in the morning. He smiled at them, amused. But around the corner, he was almost running; an awkward violent waving of hands to balance his exaggerated, frantic steps. He bobbed away out of my sight.

Lord, how could I have forgotten? That behind every face lies an ongoing story. Broken dreams and new ones, wounds, and desires. Needs and personalities and a million trains of thought.

How can my heart not be broken? Imagine all the ridicule and unwanted attention they get for being something they didn't choose to be.

This scum of the earth as the world sees it, you use for your kingdom. Use them greatly for your kingdom. The endless joy in's from you. Because they are innocent, deliberately kept from doing evil, and you love them.

"Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?"
James, to victims of the first institutional persecution
against Christ followers
in history in the AD 70s



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